We have had custody of 2 wonderful kids for over 3 years and we need a break....so we have arranged for our daughter to come over and watch them and we are taking a cruise....I am so nervous more so than I ever was with my 4 children....but it is in God's Hands and I'm so afraid that if we don't take this time to re-connect I'm not sure what will happen...TMI I know...we've been married for 31 years..raised 4 kiddos and have already had custody of a granddaughter for 2 years years and years ago and his mother with alheizerms(never had time to learn to spell it...lol)...after 13 years with no children now to settle down again has been a trial...but in some ways a blessing certainly for these kids..they are very normal happy go-lucky kids....very very very smart and confident!! I do love them so! OK, more TMI...I'll shut up now...lol
I hope you all stay safe and happy while I'm gone...I'm going to work on some sketches while I'm in the car (we are driving to New Orleans)...I'm anxious to see it since Hurricane Katrina....last time we drove near-by it we did not stop it is one of our favorite cities and we knew it would be devasting to us to see it...but now we want to support it's revival!...
ok, I'm rambling now....CU later gators...lol