I am so sorry that I have not posted! Life just got in the way and I had no choice in the matter! But, hopefully things have settled down and I'm back!!!
Here are some Photo Boxes I have done, they are so easy to do, inside are a couple of cards to journal about the photos. I like them to grab and take on crops with me or to just have them on the shelf to grab when I'm ready to scrapbook a certain event!
Oh, and would you believe that the blog candy I sent out over a month ago NEVER arrived and then I tried to send Heather just some catalogs and they NEVER arrived so now I'm again going to try to send her some catalogs and a little gift let's see if THEY ARRIVE!! I'm also going to total up what I am going to send to the Red Cross for Haiti and let you know what it amounts to. My Prayers are for those in Chili now ... Yet again another tragedy!!!